How to Fill a TreeView Control using recursion or Recursive algorithm.
The first question I would have is wether the date is coming from an XML file or
a Database.
If its from a database Here's a sample TableDesign
ID Varchar(8)
Data Varchar(50)
ParentID Varchar(8)
Note that There is a parentID. This parent ID links the child node to its parent.
Either Way get the data to a DataSet
Dim oDataSet As New DataSet
Public Sub PopulateTree(ByVal ParentId As String, ByVal TVNode As TreeNode)
Dim oDataView As New DataView(oDataSet.Tables(0), "ParentID='" & ParentId & "'",
"DATA", DataViewRowState.OriginalRows)
Dim oDataRow As DataRowView
For Each oDataRow In oDataView
Dim oTreeNode As New TreeNode(oDataRow("DATA"))
Dim oComboBox As New ComboBox
If TVNode Is Nothing Then
' For Winform replace the above line with TVNode.Nodes.Add(oTreeNode)
PopulateTree(oDataRow("ID"), oTreeNode)
End If
End Sub
This is how U call the above function
PopulateTree(0, tvPost.TopNode)
tvPost - its the name of TreeView TreeViewControl I had Dragged & Dropped From tool bar