I wish I was as lucky as the lady bird - in love
I got an e mail this forward from my friend raj, Generally I just delete them .
This one I opened it and realized this is one of the best forwards I have
received ever. I taught I would share it with you guys. There is something
called true love. This is one forward that really touched my heart.
Even a bird can be so loving towards its spouse.
The picture is telling the suffering of a poor bird shocked with his wife's
fatal injury
!Here his wife is injured and the condition is very appalling
Here he brings her food and attend her with love and compassion
Brings her food but shocked with her death and try to move her
He is aware that his sweetheart is dead and will not come to him again he cries
with adoring love
Stand beside her and scream saddened of her death
Finally aware that she would not return to him and she departed him, stand
beside her body with sad and sorrow
The photographer sold these picture for a nominal price to the most famous news
paper in France . And all the copies of that news paper were sold out on the day
of publishing these pictures