Stored procedure For Beginner.
Allright I am actually a beginner to stored procedures. Never took time to learn them earlier, though have spend time correcting
a few lines of SP as and when I needed to debug them.
To Our Topic Now
Stored procedures is an already written sql statement that is saved in the database ( Database in the SQL Server ).
T-SQL or Transact SQL is the programming language that interfaces between your application and MS SQL Server. When We use T-SQL programs
two methos are available for storing and executing the programs.
1. U store programs ( SQL Commands or Scripts ) locally, inline TSQL where u send commands to SQL Server and u get back the resule.
2. U can store the programs ( SQL Scripts ) in the server and call them from your application. The Store procedures run on the server and returns results.
-> Ideally u write stored procedures when u find using the same query over and over again.
-> You write a stored procedure, you can store all the business logic or query logic in the database. u can call these stored procedures from your application
written in asp.net vb.net java or what every langue using simple commands.
Advantage of stored procedures is that. if u have all the business logic in Stored procedure. If u plan to switch the application
from java to asp.net . you donot have to worry about changing the code which is in the stored procedure. simply speaking
if you have most of the business logic in stored procedure . you only have to worry about the UI part.