Here's thec code to play uncompressed 8 bit wav file using sound blaster. I guess the code is too old but you do get the concept on how it used to be done in the olden days
.model tiny
org 100h
main proc near
mov di,offset filename
call sbplay
mov ah,4ch
mov al,00
int 21h
filename db "c:\1.wav"
include sound.inc
include procedur.inc
end main
sbplaymac macro filnam
; mov bufferlen,bufferlenm
mov di,offset filnam
call sbplay
resetsb macro
mov dx,226 ; The reset port
mov al,1
out dx,al
mov cx,200
loop $
mov al,0
out dx,al
reads macro
mov dx,22ch
mov al,20h
out dx,al
mov dx,22ah
in al,dx