; CollusionDetectionProc: Wrote this for a simple car racing game
; I/P :
; Description : Collusion Routine checks to see if two rectangles
; have collided .
CollusionDetectionProc proc near
mov CollusionFlag,0 ; Set that the objects have not Collided
; Compare the Object 2 Rectangle (Left Top Point ) With
; Object 1 Rectangle
mov ax,Object2Left
cmp ax,Object1Left
jle Object2NoCollusionLT
mov ax,Object2Top
cmp ax,Object1Top
jle Object2NoCollusionLT
mov ax,Object2Left
cmp ax,Object1Right
jge Object2NoCollusionLT
mov ax,Object2Top
cmp ax,Object1Bottom
jge Object2NoCollusionLT
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
; Compare the Object 2 Rectangle (Right Top Point ) With
; Object 1 Rectangle
mov ax,Object2Right
cmp ax,Object1Left
jle Object2NoCollusionRT
mov ax,Object2Top
cmp ax,Object1Top
jle Object2NoCollusionRT
mov ax,Object2Right
cmp ax,Object1Right
jge Object2NoCollusionRT
mov ax,Object2Top
cmp ax,Object1Bottom
jge Object2NoCollusionRT
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
; Compare the Object 2 Rectangle (Left Bottom Point ) With
; Object 1 Rectangle
mov ax,Object2Left
cmp ax,Object1Left
jle Object2NoCollusionLB
mov ax,Object2Bottom
cmp ax,Object1Top
jle Object2NoCollusionLB
mov ax,Object2Left
cmp ax,Object1Right
jge Object2NoCollusionLB
mov ax,Object2Bottom
cmp ax,Object1Bottom
jge Object2NoCollusionLB
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
; Compare the Object 2 Rectangle (Right Bottom Point ) With
; Object 1 Rectangle
mov ax,Object2Right
cmp ax,Object1Left
jle Object2NoCollusionRB
mov ax,Object2Bottom
cmp ax,Object1Top
jle Object2NoCollusionRB
mov ax,Object2Right
cmp ax,Object1Right
jge Object2NoCollusionRB
mov ax,Object2Bottom
cmp ax,Object1Bottom
jge Object2NoCollusionRB
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
;Second Rectangle Collusion Detection
; Compare the Object 1 Rectangle (Left Top Point ) With
; Object 2 Rectangle
mov ax,Object1Left
cmp ax,Object2Left
jle Object1NoCollusionLT
mov ax,Object1Top
cmp ax,Object2Top
jle Object1NoCollusionLT
mov ax,Object1Left
cmp ax,Object2Right
jge Object1NoCollusionLT
mov ax,Object1Top
cmp ax,Object2Bottom
jge Object1NoCollusionLT
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
; Compare the Object 1 Rectangle (Right Top Point ) With
; Object 2 Rectangle
mov ax,Object1Right
cmp ax,Object2Left
jle Object1NoCollusionRT
mov ax,Object1Top
cmp ax,Object2Top
jle Object1NoCollusionRT
mov ax,Object1Right
cmp ax,Object2Right
jge Object1NoCollusionRT
mov ax,Object1Top
cmp ax,Object2Bottom
jge Object1NoCollusionRT
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
; Compare the Object 1 Rectangle (Left Bottom Point ) With
; Object 2 Rectangle
mov ax,Object1Left
cmp ax,Object2Left
jle Object1NoCollusionLB
mov ax,Object1Bottom
cmp ax,Object2Top
jle Object1NoCollusionLB
mov ax,Object1Left
cmp ax,Object2Right
jge Object1NoCollusionLB
mov ax,Object1Bottom
cmp ax,Object2Bottom
jge Object1NoCollusionLB
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
; Compare the Object 1 Rectangle (Right Bottom Point ) With
; Object 2 Rectangle
mov ax,Object1Right
cmp ax,Object2Left
jle Object1NoCollusionRB
mov ax,Object1Bottom
cmp ax,Object2Top
jle Object1NoCollusionRB
mov ax,Object1Right
cmp ax,Object2Right
jge Object1NoCollusionRB
mov ax,Object1Bottom
cmp ax,Object2Bottom
jge Object1NoCollusionRB
mov CollusionFlag,1 ; Set that the objects have Collided
;Can Add A Jump Instuction Here Later For Speed
CollusionFlag db 0
Object1Left dw 0
Object1Top dw 0
Object1Right dw 0
Object1Bottom dw 0
Object2Left dw 0
Object2Top dw 0
Object2Right dw 0
Object2Bottom dw 0
hextoasc proc near ;AX input , si point result storage addres
push ax bx cx dx si di bp es
mov cx,00h
mov bx,0ah
mov dx,0
div bx
add dl,'0'
push dx
inc cx
cmp ax,0ah
jge hexloop1
add al,'0'
mov [si],al
pop ax
inc si
mov [si],al
loop hexloop2
inc si
mov al,'$'
mov [si],al
pop es bp di si dx cx bx ax
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