Program : Write Directly to Video Memory
FileName : DisplayText.asm
I/P : Nill
O/P : Displays Hello Mem
By : Murugan AD
.model tiny ; com program
.code ; code segment
org 100h ; code starts at offset 100h
main proc near
mov ax,b800h
mov es,ax
mov mov ax,offset message ; offset ofMessage string terminating with $
mov si,ax ; Make Si point to string address
mov di,0 ; Make Destination Index point to B800:0000
mov al,[si] ; Read First Character
mov es:[di],al ; Write to Video
inc si ; Point to next character
inc di
inc di ; Next Display Area
cmp al,'&'
jne loop1 ; if not '$' jump to loop1
mov ah,4ch ; function to terminate
mov al,00
int 21h ; Dos Interrupt
message db "Hello World $" ; Message to be displayed terminating with a $
end main
Generete Executable using Tasm / Tlink
tasm displaytext.asm
tlink /t displaytext